Wacky Wednesday
The campers are starting to get up a little slower in the mornings - it must be Wednesday! The morning jog and stretching prepped them for chocolate chip muffins, strawberries, bananas, Dimples, and cereal. After breakfast everyone met in the gym for chapel, after which all headed to bible classes.
Today's lessen centered on the calling of Matthew and letting your light shine in this world.
As you may recall - morning activity periods follow Bible Class. Word of yesterday's successful Body Attack (which I mistakenly called Body Break) must have spread, because today the sign-up list was full and the room was bursting with campers sweating to music some of you would know all the words to. While that was going on, outside there was a photography session. A large assortment of props and costumes resulted in counselor Rachel S and our campers getting some great shots of each other.
A) Nature Survival - Sending the campers to the creek to show them how to catch and survive on raw fish, locusts and honey.
B) Urban Survival - Showing the kids the dumpster and asking them to find all the edible items in it (which fits with our prodigal son story from yesterday).
C) Making a trap, catching and cooking a rabbit.
D) Learning about what to include in a survival kit.
Yes - the correct answer is D. They learned about the value of mylar blankets, knot tying, and what supplies are particularly valuable to have on hand in an emergency.
While this was going on, other campers were playing lightening or basketball in the gym, or field games (Ultimate Frisbee or kickball) in the lower campus area.
After morning activity period - the kids got together for this morning's UTC (Ultimate Team Competition). Today was another wild one. As usual, the campers separated into teams with their lead counselor. The task for the day included launching tennis balls with a 3-person giant sling shot. A target for each team was set up on the playing field. Each Styrofoam target was made up of puzzle pieces and color-coordinated to the teams. The goal was to destroy the pieces of their opposing teams. Extra points were earned for hitting staff positioned downrange from the targets.
Believe it or not - all this happened before lunch. Needless to say they were ready for a great meal of hamburgers, pork and beans, chips, fruit and veggies. One of the policies of camp is that at each meal volunteers are requested to help with cleanup. The advantages are that they get to go to the head of the line - and possibly score an ice cream sandwich when they are done. The disadvantage is that...well...it is work! We are grateful for all our volunteers.
Canteen is an interesting experience for most campers. The first few days were pretty mild - then Dean Marzofka arrived. Now it takes twice as long to get through the line since the campers have to work fairly hard to free their candy from his evil clutches. One such lad even challenged Dean to an arm wrestling match for his goods. Others have had "near misses" as the other canteen staff have tried to toss/throw/whip their purchases over or around Dean.
Our pool time was shortened due to rain. I am pretty sure the kids wouldn't have minded swimming in rain - apparently lifeguards are not as enthused about it. By the way, if kids aren't interested in swimming the whole time while at the pool, there are nice grassy areas for chatting or impromptu games of Frisbee, as well as sand volleyball.
After pool time they spent a little quality FOB (Feet on bed) before supper. Chicken Alfredo, corn, cookies, fruit and veggies seemed to be appreciated by almost everyone. Next up on the docket was a little free time, followed by a sing-a-long and discussion groups. A final canteen break before they settled into a movie, provided enough sugar to get them through the night. Campers voted on which movies hit the big screen. In the end both Gnomeo and Juliet, and Mega Minds won out. Campers plopped their sleeping bags and pillows in front of the movie they preferred. Our wandering gorilla made a guest appearance in the movies - only to be tackled by the mob....She survived .
Our closing meeting finished off the day, as the kids headed to bed. Lights out at 10:30 for the younger campers, and 11:00 for the older (and way more mature...cough cough) campers, tends to be a new experience for some. I guess that is why they cheer for FOB.
Before I sign off tonight I would like to mention the amazing job being done by the volunteers who make this camp a reality. Things don't run smoothly all by themselves. The countless hours of work that go on before camp ever starts, to the lack of sleep endured while camp is running, all speak to our theme for the year....Cross Connections. These young people are truly shining their light. Their staff shirts have a saying on the back "ENGAGE" which they have done tirelessly throughout the week.
I hope you are all surviving the separation from your kids. We were just discussing the fact that this is a great group - they have been a joy to work with. Thanks again.....
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