The morning activity period for Friday is always a Steeple Chase. Since it is definitely a messy outdoor activity, we were especially grateful for the great day God provided. Stations were set up throughout the campus, which each team had to progress through in a timed relay - style competition. Events varied between the mild mannered (Suduko) to the crazy nuts (Sumo wrestling with a beach ball saran wrap padded counselor - go Libby). Whether they were jumping down the hill (in pairs) with a swim noodle between them, or bobbing for oranges in a bucket of Tang (we are all about health here you know), each camper had to participate in at least one activity. Some campers seemed to love the a giant marshmallow off the string, or the pick up a cork with your toes (in a bucket of ice), while others excelled at dipping their face in a plate of spray cream to pick up a Starburst with their teeth (and then unwrapping it with only their tongue). Some of the other events included pushing a tennis ball with your nose. You would think that since they were going down hill, that would be easy - apparently grass throws a major obstacle in that theory. You would also have thought that walking on milk crates would be a breeze - but when you only have two crates, and you have to get a long way, you better be coordinated. In the gym, campers had to spin around a bat until they were dizzy, run to the other end of the gym and make a free throw, then run back and tag their teammate, who had to roll up an entirely unrolled roll of paper towels. The steeple chase wouldn't be complete without the slippery plastic path made its way to the hill and found itself covered with soap and water. Campers had to go over and under pvc gates while being drenched by counselors. Remember, each camper gets to volunteer for the event in which they most want to compete.
At the pool today campers not only swam, but also competed in events such as the GUN SHOW and the BELLY FLOP COMPETITION. The gun show is an annual favorite, resulting in loud cheering. Who knows what the other people at the pool think.... The show isn't necessarily about who actually has the best guns (muscles) - it is usually more about the presentation. This is evidenced by this year's winners - both of whom were...shall we say....small but hilarious. Our male winner cinched the title with quips like..."Let me introduce you to my two hammers - sledge and jack, and.... know why there are no rats at Immanuel - cause of my 'bythons' (flex flex). Our young female winner will tell you she worked the crowd, throwing in a little wink for the judges. She was a riot!
Our semi-finalists:
Tonight we had our annual final entertainment session. Campers were awarded a variety of trophies, teams were crowned champions, and our final event of 'Minute To Win It' took center stage. We had a great turnout of parents, siblings and relatives, most of whom agreed they were glad they weren't here for the whole week. These kids have a lot of energy....and make a lot of noise. Our pre-campers, who have also been at camp each morning this week, treated us to a couple songs they had learned during the week, then joined the 5-6th graders in a duet. The 7th - 9th graders then sang - In Christ Alone. For those of you not familiar with our pre-camper program, we had 45 5-9 year old's join us each morning for a camp of their own...Western style. This required an additional number of staff that were primarily involved in the pre-camper program. If you missed their presentation tonight - you missed a real treat. Watching those innocent young faces sing about following trusting and believing in Jesus really warms one's heart.

Towards the end of the evening (or at least the end of the part the parents were a part of), we were treated to a relatively new tradition - a comedic presentation by some of the male counselors. This year they performed: Baby Baby...(for those of you over 25-or without young girls...that is a Justin Bieber hit). Their Bieber wigs made the look complete.
After the evening festivities wound down, the younger campers went to the dorms. (after buying out the canteen). The 8th and 9th grade campers did a black curtain event. This is a time when they have the opportunity to ask questions of the opposite gender, anonymously. After that they were guided by a staff as they took a walk along the fire lane down by the woods....also known as the scare trail. Staff strategically placed themselves in hidden places, including trees and gullies, so that they could spring out (or down) as campers screamed their way by.
Randoms shots.....
Thank you to all the volunteers who make this camp happen each year! We truly appreciate all you do! Thank you also for the wonderful blog to follow! THANKS!!